Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Day Five....

and yeah.... I'm pretty freaking sick of this already... maybe I'm just in a mood today or something but it's killin me... I know what we are having for dinner and I know it's really really good so I've been eating extra light all day in anticipation for our pulled pork on french bread sammies.... and well it's killing me...

I'm sure it has a lot to do with tomorrow being Christmas Eve and knowing what goodies are going to be at my aunts house tomorrow and the day after... knowing that my husband is making a red velvet cake (one of my favs) tonight or tomorrow... I haven't researched what all is "allowed" very well so I've been eating peanut butter sandwiches like they are going out of style and making sure I do things by the letter as much as possible...

UGH... I'm just frustrated....

Sunday, December 21, 2008


So I knew that keeping up two blogs would be a nightmare... and well it's not a nightmare just hard to keep up with both when you are busy... and busy I have been...

So I finally got to see the dietitian, yippie... I was worried that she'd tell me to go on the south beach diet or something nasty like that... but nope... she said she wants me to choose foods that are low on the glycemic index... which makes since, since my body doesn't do with carbs what it's supposed to...

So here's the break down... I have to drink 91oz of fluid, perfectly water, juice and milk but Coke is NOT out of the picture but regular coke is high on the index and diet is acceptable... but I can't drink diet so I'd rather drink water and then cheat with a soda every now and then :D

I also have to get in 6 grains (rice, bread, etc etc) 2 fruits, 3 veggies, 3 meats and 2-3 dairy products... seems like a little bit of food when you look at it like that but my lord I'm eating all the time!!! Supposed to have like 6 small meals or snacks a day... which I like cause I'm a grazer anyway...

So today I had wheaties (which I had in the house anyway, I don't eat horribly bad really) and a cup of milk, then we went to church... yes church it's been like almost two years for us! Ummm anyway came home and had a sandwich, and a tangerene, a huge thing of water then off to Nanna's for a little while where I downed some pork rinds (NO CARBS YAY!!!) and a few mixed nuts. We were all hungry so Wes went and got us subs, mine on wheat no mayo, and loads of pickels! And finally when we got home I had a bananna, half a peanut butter sandwich, and a load of raw veggies to finish out my day...

All in all not to shabby!!! I know that there will be instances where I cheat (aka Holidays) and I know that it's alright as long as I keep trying, the weight will come off and I'll get healthier.... which is the goal...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Shocking I tell you

Apparently my doctor decided to go on Vacation and won't be back till Monday the 3rd of November... which is fine. I finally got a call the other day saying yes we have your bloodwork, yes you have insulin resistance so start your meds back...

Shocked I tell you... totally shocked...

Monday, October 20, 2008

What The Heck!

Is taking so freaking long with my bloodwork... the Doctor's office still hasn't called me telling me they have received my bloodwork or to set up my next appointment.... SERIOUSLY! Sheesh!!!!

If I don't hear anything by Wed I'm calling cause well frankly... I've gained 8lbs since I quit my meds a few weeks ago... Promise to goodness I have... My freaking emotions can't take this crap!!!!

8lbs in a month or 7 weeks! I just want to cry... I don't want to go anywhere I want to stay home curl up in a ball and avoid all human contact. But I can't! Some people call that depression...

And NO I haven't changed my eating habits, or my work out habits or anything like that the only change has been no meds keeping my endocrine system doing what it's supposed to do... UGH!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hard Part Over

Now the waiting... Yesterday AM I got up like a good girl and went to my local Quest Lab to get my
bloodwork done.... I spent a little over an hour there, and as usual they had trouble "sticking" me. I'm a little baffeled why when I tell the tech that she'll need to use a butterfly they say well let me see. The first person I saw at the lab says is it ok if I check and see first. Like can I draw my own conclusion.... I'm thinking to myself look lady I've been doing this for 10 years I think I'd know how my own veins act... They sat me down with another tech who drew my blood then sent me to a waiting room where I read Breaking Dawn for an hour then back to another tech for a stick on my ohter arm.... Of course I can't get the same tech I get a different know it all.... who didn't stick me in the crease of my elbow... noooo my veins were doing coming out to play for the day... so she sticks me a bit below, and leaves me with this.....

looooovely... Now all I have to do is wait for the call from the Doctor to tell me my hormones are 10 kinds of crazy....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


How did I miss this phenomenon? What rock do I live under? This week I've read twilight and new moon and purchased new moon, eclipse, and breaking dawn. I can't wait to start eclipse tonight... I stayed up 24hrs reading New Moon last night. OMG what is wrong with me!!!!! I bet Edward could find my stupid rolling veins. I have not been in the mood/had the time to go get my blood work done. Can't I just be bitten, live off wild Grizzlies, and be young and beautiful forever. I feel an obsession growing... and I'm not sure that it's healthy... I fully intend to finish the series and read Twilight at least once more before the movie comes out in November. Mercy.......

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Are You Joking?!?!

Someone must be joking... it has to be a joke, or some cruel game...

I get up this morning at 6:12 like a good little girl. I got hardly any sleep last night so it was very hard for me to get up. I watch my DVR'd Project Runway as I wake up then get ready, leave the house, battle the traffic from the Westside to Belfort where the Doc's office is. I get there, everyone there is so nice, I have my Twilight book (which I purchased when we lost power during Fay with the intent to read it but never started it, then my sister tells me it's awesome and Mel has posted that it's awesome as well!) I'm ready to get this underway.

Let me give you some back story here. I have these tiny little veins that love to roll and disappear when people come towards me with needles. I've always had a hard time with my blood work, there is apparently one woman in the world that can stick me with a butterfly cath and get it first try so I might just go beg her and offer to pay out of my pocket! I typically go home with pricks all over my body, most phlobotimists have to get it out of my hand or even my feet I've had that done before. I HATE getting my blood drawn, half the time I go home with bruises all over cause people can't find my veins.

Which is exactly what happened to me this morning! I get there, eyes puffy, book in hand, go back to the chair and she's having a hard time. Slapping my arm, I pumped the little stress ball so much my hands got tingly. I'm starving cause by this time it's 8am and I still have 2 more hours before I can get food (and anyone that knows me knows I wake up hungry and breakfast is my fav meal of the day!) I wasn't really irritated, and I'm still not. It's just the way life goes I suppose, first this appointment was moved back a day, now another day.

She told me I could go down the street to Quest. I decided to forgo it for this morning, mainly because I had a major headache hadn't taken meds (cause I couldn't, it's fasting blood work) I'm extreemly tired cause I didn't sleep well the lastnight and well there is a Quest near my house so I'll just go in the AM or Saturday AM! She told me to drink a lot of water that it would help my veins show up. I've got two arms bruised and I just didn't want to be poked anymore today, twice in each arm is enough for today! Is that selfish of me? Possibly. Do I care? Nope.

I'm likely just going to do this on Saturday. I have an early morning wedding, well it's a mid day wedding really at the beach so we have to get there at like 10:30. I'll get up go get my blood done at 7am when they open and again at 9am cause it's a two parter, then go have a good breakfast somewhere in Riverside and then get to the beach at 10:30 so that when the wedding is over I can come home read my book, and nap! That sounds like a terriffic plan to me! I've already got a busy day tomorrow... but who knows Wes will likely talk me into getting it over with in the morning, but I personally think my poor arms (at least my right one which is way more bruised than the left) need a day to rest....